Custom engineered assembly jigs for the aerospace & aeronautics

Over the years, Pinette PEI. has developed custom engineered assembly jigs for the aeronautic and aerospace industries. All our production means respect safety and security design requirements according to EC UL OSHA regulations.

Assembly jigs for the Aerospace industry

Means of assembly, milling & inspection on composite sandwich parts for ARIANE 5

custom engineered assembly jig for sylda applications by Pinette PEI

This mean of presentation, drilling, assembly, (joining, riveting), milling in interpolation, and dimensional automated inspection of large composite sandwich panels represents all the expertise of PEI in aerospace. It is used for satellites carrying on ARIANE 5.


  • Adjustable height from 5,000 mm up to 7,000 mm
  • Capacity: Ø 6,000 mm
  • 6 axes CNC
  • Precision of references +/- 0.2 mm.
  • Precision of displacement < +/- 0.1 mm.
  • Ergonomic design making operator's tasks easier on all interior and external levels
  • Integration of the hygiene and safety aspects

Disover the interview of Alain Lagoutte, in charge of the aerospace market, about the integration jig manufactured for the sattelites Galileo's lauch


Assembly jig for structure light alloy lattices, internal components of cryogenic tanks

pinette - assembly jigs cryogenic tankFeatures:

  • Precision of the interfaces < +/- 0.1 mm
  • Materials and surface treatments in classification 100






Revolving assembly frame for cylindrical structure of civil launchers

pinette revolving assembly frame for cylindrical structure of civil launchersFeatures:

  • Capacity: Ø 5,600 mm
  • Confirmed reliability (> 10 years of in use)






Assembly jigs for the Aeronautics industry

Positioning and automated assembly jig for A380 wing root leading edges

bord attaque a380


  • Capacities: 10000 x 2500 x 2500 mm
  • 9 axis controlled by CNC (setting in reference) and an automatic fastening
  • Precision in all the axes +/- 0,2 mm
  • Ergonomic design to make operator's tasks easier
  • Repeatability and reliability (> 5 years in continuous use)






Interfaces connecting jig between 2 elements of fuselages (100% composites)

pinette - assembly jig for composite fuselage airbus A320Features:

  • Capacity: diameter 4000 mm x 2 sections of 4000 mm
  • Precision +/- 0.2 mm









Positioning & assembly jig for under fuselage trap doors of central landing gear (A340/500/600)

pinette - assembly jig for under fuselage trap doors AIRBUS of central landing gearFeatures:

  • Capacity: 4000 x 2000 x 1000 mm
  • Precision +/- 0.15 mm in all axes
  • Ultralight means for suspension under the fuselage (overhanging) without deforming it
  • Confirmed reliability and repetitiveness (> 9 years in use in continuous production)


Assembly jig for structural components of business aircrafts

pinette assembly jig for structural components of business aircraftsFeatures:

  • Capacity : Ø 3000 x 3000 mm
  • Precision
  • Robustness
  • Repeatability and reliability (> 10 years in continuous use)